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How Makosi’s Virtual Teams Are Already Adapted to the “New Normal”

It’s impossible to deny that we’re living in a time of upheaval. First, coronavirus challenged how we live in a globalized world and economy.

July 08 2020 • 2 min read

How Makosi’s Virtual Teams Are Already Adapted to the “New Normal”

It’s impossible to deny that we’re living in a time of upheaval. First, coronavirus challenged how we live in a globalized world and economy. Simultaneously, protests, rallies, and demonstrations are creating a ripple effect across the nation. Worldwide, we’re suddenly being asked to reckon with the pros and cons of the systems we’ve built while discovering innovative ways to better them. Cue Makosi’s virtual-first teams. 

Understanding the role of virtual teams

We cannot overstate the importance of virtual and remote work capabilities. Without virtual teams, the world economy would have collapsed by now. Read that one more time: virtual teams are keeping the economy ticking. By allowing skilled employees to continue their work, digital empowerment has kept countless industries afloat despite a global pandemic. 

As offices and industries worldwide scrambled to adapt to remote work environments, Makosi’s virtual teams were already well ahead of the curve. That’s because, since our inception, we’ve been committed to a tech-first approach. We achieve this through our proprietary software, which allows us to build, train, and deploy virtual teams in a matter of hours rather than days or even weeks. 

Makosi was founded on empowerment

Since the beginning, we’ve had two goals. To provide our clients with agile workforce solutions and change our Audit Seniors’ lives for the better. Part of that mission means providing a once-in-a-lifetime experience alongside personal and professional coaching. We’re not fulfilling our mission if we’re not helping our candidates live up to their full potential.

But how do we achieve that when we can’t bring our international workforce into the country (and by extension, your office)? Through determination, innovation, and an agile suite of digital tools. 

Other benefits of virtual teams

Today’s skilled workers are digital natives and, when provided the right support, can transcend time and space in a way traditional office settings don’t allow for. These workers don’t require air fare, work visas, or onshore accommodations to buoy your workforce. They just need to sign on and get started. Not only do our virtual teams have the same experience and education credentials. But they also get the same high level of coaching and support Makosi. The only difference? Instead of being in a seat, they’ll be on your screen. 

While we’ve always invested in our virtual teams, the world's current state means we’ll be channeling even more time, energy, and resources into our virtual-first approach. 


With insights from over 350,000 hours billed, we know the power of an on-demand and virtual-first workforce. With Makosi on your side, you’ll be able to manage gaps, improve workflow, and optimize your team, all through the power of modern technology. Contact us to learn more

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